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Who is Nak Jently?

Nak Jently is a storyteller from Memphis, TN.  As a producing director serving the filmmaking and stage production needs of several organizations, her name distinctly declares her brand in a quirky version of the words "knock gently".  Because her formative artistic experiences were predominantly provided by churches and neighborhood recreation centers, she considers herself living proof that community based arts engagement can create lasting impact.


Nak Jently finds joy in using her artistry to help people cope with many varieties of grief, and she describes her artistic approach as "practicing art to heal" (PATH). She views her social work background as the first stepping stone on her path because it gave her opportunities to grow empathy, and it taught her how to effectively facilitate group discussions that require deep listening in order for people to feel heard.


She was eventually inspired to start an arts engagement nonprofit in her neighborhood so that she could share the PATH program with her community. As an arts education administrator, Nak Jently provides consultation services and facilitates workshops that advance the work of restoration. She also uses her talents as a teaching artist, playwright, choreographer, poet, and songwriter to devise and publish original works. 

What services does Nak Jently offer?

As a seasoned teaching artist and community engagement facilitator, Nak Jently offers 1-DAY WORKSHOPS. 

Content is customizable, and the most popular options are below.

Legacy Workshops:

Honors the legacy of loved ones by gathering in community to create art that celebrates life and infuses the grief journey with artistic coping skills. Makes space for remembering and offers support in creating mementos.

Artistic Affinity Retreats:

Provides respite with art as the vehicle for expression and engagement. From dialoguing through dance to processing with poetry, affinity retreats provide a trauma informed approach that acknowledges the impact of "resiliency fatigue" and supports restoration. 

Confidence Collaborative:

Provides an outlet for expressing emotions associated with bullying (in all its forms) using artistic activities that cultivate self confidence and acceptance in a moderated environment.

Contact Nak Jently to schedule a consultation today!

Interested in longer engagements? Learn more about the extended programming Nak Jently facilitates through her nonprofit work at SOAR, by clicking here.

A Ferry Tale

Written Works By Nak Jently

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Dreams come true. Nightmares do too. 

Once upon a time, a young daydreamer got a reality check on her way to happily ever after. This hip-hop soul journey follows Feri, a social media influencer who comes face to face with the problem of putting price tags on people. After being awakened to the harsh realities attached to the business of fulfilling fantasies, Feri fights to free herself from the lure of fame and fortune. The quest to find true value leads her to an unmarked fork in the road— one path promises liberation and the other offers covering under a spell of disenchantment. As impending doom threatens to consume her life, Feri must choose a path before it’s too late.

Check Out The Premier Announcement Video Below!

Get Involved

Became Reality

On Saturday, October 23, 2021,  A FERRY TALE premiered at The Orpheum-Memphis.

Despite pandemic conditions, there were over 400 in attendance,

making the event a dream come true for author, Jenita Nakamura also known as Nak Jently.

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Read Between The Lines AFT ad pg2.png
We're thrilled to share volume 1 of the
Read Between The Lines
study guide that unpacks the real life challenges encountered in the story of

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Featured Video

Click to watch exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the workshop cast of

A FERRY TALE, written by Jenita Nakamura and directed by Taylor St. John.

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